This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on January 25, 2024. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. ______________ Thank you, Sherman. Good morning, Commissioner. Before you speech and document, draft response to the advisory opinion by --. A relatively new pack registered with the commission in September, 2022. Seeks to be Tina Terry -- intermediary and opponents of incumbent officeholder. Drafting concludes that. Contributions received and forwarded but the dumb pack is considered contributions from the original contributor. Two. They may postpone forwarding the contribution until the designated candidate is identified using external public criteria by specific dates that disclosed the contributor at the time of the contribution. Three. That alpaca may forward the contribution to a national party committee with the designated candidate cannot and will not accept the contribution. For, they may retain interest or not contribution held in the depository account subject to reporting requirements. Draft a also concludes the contributing statements to offset the dumb pack -- the pack processes the critical contribution who people contribution to the vote down pack. Thank you, we are available to address any questions you have. Thank you very much, Mr. Campbell. Any questions for Mr. Campbell while we are here? Vice chair --? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank you, counsel. I appreciate you answering them quickly. Really helped me out. It is an unusual proposal that your client has. I will make sure I understand this. Explain to me how the default mechanism works. If you don't end up supporting a candidate? First of all, thank you for having us. If you don't end up going to the candidate and the primary contribution, it goes to the party of the incumbent candidate. Within the party. The general election contribution. And it goes to the opposing party. So, if you, if the incumbent is the Democrats, will go to support the Republican party. When people make contributions, do they designate this for the primary or general? Is it a requirement? With a particle for that? It is something the requester can include. This is what I want to make sure and everything will be explained. Depending on the contribution is made, identified as the recipients. It can go to one party or the other party depending on whether it is the primary or the general. It may take some people by surprise. I appreciate you clarifying all the solicitation, and you can edit to the data as well. Explained to them on the website. The poll you will use. Going to rely on existing public polls. It will not be commissioning their own pole. That is correct. Thank you. I appreciate that in the clarification. Mr. Chairman, at the appropriate time. I propose to slightly amend the draft to include the original material submitted --. The facts presented based on the letter [ Inaudible ] . What they based the analysis on specifically reprimanding -- representing --. Thank you. Are there any other questions for the request? Point of discussion? Thank you Mr. Chairman. In the draft advisory opinion, 2023 11. Submitted by the down pack. I move the approval of the agenda document 24 dash --. Also known as draft a. Subject to the following the minor edit on page one. The facts presented based on the letter received. November 15, 2023. Reports filed for the commission. Thank you. Vice chair. Any question on the motion? We will make sure that --. All those in favor, police say aye. And the motion carried unanimously. Thank you very much. This is the first presentation the committee of the advisory opinion? Excellent job. Great outcome. Thank you for the work in helping the commissioners getting questions answered and we appreciate it. The exhaust the substantive item on the agenda. Before we moved closeout the meeting with the magic question. Let me take a quick moment to acknowledge to individuals at the commission who have recently ended their service or are about and the service after decades of committed service. And work here at the commission. First is Pat Dunn, who left us after 34 years with the commission. And --. Who is he an audience today. Ending her time at commission after 31 years. It is rare these days to dedicate oneself to an institution for the period of time. And it takes a lot of day in and day out commitment. A lot of wisdom built up through the experience. It is a huge benefit everybody else. To have people in an institution with this kind of memory. We are all poor for having lost individuals like that in the building. As they say in the Navy, we wish them they are twins on the following seas. I want to thank them for their service. I want to echo those comments. Pat and Ruth. The public does not see these folks but they both perform functions critical to the operation of the agency and everybody in the building relied on the expertise but the good nature and seeing the smiling faces on the regular basis. I hope you're listening somewhere out there. We appreciate your service and wish you all the best going forward. Thank you so much. Any administrative matters for consideration today? No such matters. Thank you, and this open meeting is adjourned. [ Event concluded ].