This file contains archived live captions of the audit hearing of the Federal Election Commission held on December 02, 2021. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. ____________________ Thank you and good morning. The audit hearing further and pack committee will now come to order. This hearing will be conducted for procedural rules for audit hearings and commission of 2009 double the commission website. Representing the committee today for counsel, -- welcome. On October 15th of 2021 audit staff email the final audit report of the audit division to the committee. On November 1st counsel requested a hearing on behalf of the committee which the commission granted. The committee has stated that his request is limited to finding one and three two recordkeeping and reporting of condo activities. Counsel, for today's hearing you may make a brief opening statement following your presentation the Commissioner, the general counsel and staff director have the opportunity to ask questions. At the end of the hearing you have an opportunity to make a closing statement. As stated the audit staff November 8th letter, statements of this errand should present issues and arguments that have been brought to the attention of the audit division. Absent up request by commission at the hearing or intervening of the subsequent response to the draft report, you may only present issues and arguments at the hearing that will raise a response. Please proceed with your opening statement. Thank you. This is a little bit unusual. But the most useful way to present to you today is to allow, for procedural respect that this is okay. The most useful way to present the information to this hearing is to allow Mr. Zucker. To make a presentation as well. I want to make sure that this is not just limited to myself in terms of the presentation if that is okay. That is fine. Okay I do not want to be the only one talking today. Thank you for the opportunity to bring this to your attention. I will reserve most of the time to Mr. Zucker and I will explain in a moment. The general concerns here relate to two main issues. One is what we believe to be an area of great uncertainty, along with fundraising and conduit contributions. Credit cards, and the second major issue is what we believe to be the major overreach analysis with the audit report. And negative president for people to do fundraising in this area. I believe the most useful way for us to give additional information, we have laid out our legal positions and our letter requesting this hearing. The most useful of our time today for us to allow Mr. Zucker to give background context. And white started and the framework for why we are here today. I think this is a very unusual situation. I would like Mr. Zucker to give commissioners background to help understand where we are coming from. And our concern related to what we present today. I will pass this over to Mr. Zucker to explain and give you historical background to the democracy engine in its path. Jonathan, I will hand it over to you. Thank you very much. Madam chair, may I speak? Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity. I apologize for the fact that I am not on video as I explained, simply do not have the upstream bandwidth reliably. So now I am on audio. The auditors seem to be framing the conclusions of the audit as a democracy LLC has been set up as a way to get around democracy impacts disclosure and recordkeeping requirements. The reality is the exact opposite. It was to disclose activity by the LLC in hindsight as Neil indicates. Probably should have not been reported in the first place. In 2009 after 4 years as both COO and CEO served, the LLC is a partnership to build tools to facilitate contributions to candidates. I was primarily interested in building tools focused on donors, not recipients. Focused on issues. Back in 2009 due to our existing guidance on for-profit vendors and handling contributions, and giving donor familiarity we established a pack. Through 2018 the pack has never made a contribution to the candidate independently of an EMR, and the only funds that were for its own use was an initial $5000 donation, deposited into the Citibank account to cover a handful of operating expenses. The funds were exhausted by 2012 and sometime after the account was closed. Through 2018, the pack did not have a merchant account of its own to process credit card donations and conduit activity by credit card never deposited in a pack bank account. In 2011, as the commission was aware we saw the advisory opinion 2000 1106 for the LLC. Concluded the donor payments to the LLC was construction to the committees do not constitute political activity requirement by the LLC. In spite of the conclusions of this opinion, and an abundance of caution to accommodate donor comfort with the framework of earmarked contribution, and the interest of transparency, the pack continue to follow the procedures that have been adopted in 29. Subsequent to 2018. This is important but prior to the audit, for reasons having nothing to do with FEC regulations but changes with the visa and MasterCard brand rules we change the model for the pack. The pack and opened up new accounts. Filed amended form one in September of 2019. Also on mergers. In December 2019 we received notice of the audit which was triggered by some amendments to more accurate activity for the 2018 cycle. In hindsight it is clear now we should never have been doing any of the reporting that we were doing. As the audit progressed I retained counsel and we in discussions realized it was incorrect to have reported this as depository conduit earmark act cavity. We we mended the results report this. Even now we believe over just disclosing activity and waiting guidance on the proper way to handle this credit card conduit activity . I realize that the reporting model in 2019 was long, and we have already changed it. However it is important not to be responsible for bad -- that might impact others to my abundance of caution. A final note with respect to the recordkeeping, we handed over everything that was requested of us from detailed reports by the LLC by every donor transaction. The LLC serving as a vendor. To the bank account statements to which the donor funds flow to verify existence of activity. And detailed what portion of each distribution by the LSA to specific candidates was activity reported by the pack. The auditors argument that the LLC account was actually a pack account, which seems to be the core of the findings, in my opinion rebutted by the fact that the LLC has activity in the same account. Because the LLC continues to operate as its for-profit vendor preventing the services on services to its clients. I apologize for the mistakes that we made in the result of this entire audit process, our desire was to accommodate donors and provide additional transparency. Issues that have been raised in the audit are know it relationship in which the pack operates currently. At this point I want to thank you very much for your time and I look forward to receiving your guidance in this matter. Thank you for the opening statement. >> Would you like to jump in? That concludes our presentation. Thank you. Let me open it up to the commissioners. Any questions? >> Let me also ask the audit staff . I have a question. For the audit staff. I have a response to the argument that there would be pretty significant practical difficulties maintaining the back to Kate with no money in it. -- Bank account. I have wanted to both personally and on behalf of clients . I know there is a statute but is the response to the underlying discretionary point that was made the response? Why desk did not have activity but we did identify activity that we believe should have been deposited into the bank account but not the LLC bank account . And that was for potential nominees. There should have been, not just from the statute but from the nominee funds that DI did report. Do you have a response? I think factually Jonathan would be best to answer the question from a factual perspective. I will defer to Jonathan. That is factually correct. There were nominee funds to which contributions were made. Let me ask if there are any further questions? Mr. Zucker? Would you care to make a closing statement? Again we appreciate your time. We want to make sure that there is clarity, in respect to these issues regarding to fundraising by organizations online. Here especially in this instance, I think the one major concern we have is that the task of this obviously is not at issue -- the commission should consider updates to the bundling regulations. As they exist right now, written many years ago before there has been a huge prevalence of online funding prevalence. They are not equipped to handle the concept of online fundraising directly to candidates. Or a pack never actually touches money. Abundant regulations have scenarios. One with a pack raises money directly, or actually handling some kind of commercial paper such as a check I will say most of the online funding for candidates at this time's happening directly to candidates. To the companies like John. So I do believe the major issues that we addressed today and the problems caused by Jonathan's abundance of caution, were caused by as Jonathan described guidance. So we would hope we can take the opportunity, not only to resolve the audit but to think forward about giving more guidance to the regulating community regarding online fundings directly to candidates. For that I think you for your time. Thank you. The audio recording will be made with the hearing post into the commission's website at the appropriate time. The commission may rely on the contents of the audio recording and its consideration of the issues raised. In any subsequent action. The committee may be bound by any representations made at this hearing today. Thank you to Mr. Zucker and Mr. before appearing today. This hearing is adjourned. Thank you. >> Thank you to Mr. Zucker and this hearing is adjourned.